This Is Where My Stuff Lives

The personal and professional (citation needed) page of Quinn (me)

Oct. 1st - edging, kinktober
edging, dubcon elements, no aftercare, orgasm denial, improper use of mage hand, blowjobs

Gale had heard all his life that one day his hubris would do him in. He rather suspected none of those that had chided him so had pictured anything quite like this at the time. He wasn’t quite sure how he’d gotten here, himself.

No, that wasn’t true. He knew exactly what had happened. Post-dinner conversation had turned ribald, as it was wont to do, and the usual jibes from those not familiar with the arcane had cropped up. Mage hand, the Grease spell, all the usual targets, the comments familiar enough that Gale just rolled his eyes and refused to engage.

But then Tav spoke up. Tav who, as a sorcerer, was surely as familiar with - and tired of - these comments and jeers as Gale himself.

“You’re all asking the wrong question,” he told the others, drinking deeply from his cup. “Any magic-user can cast these things quickly and on the fly. The real trick is maintaining them.” He locked eyes with Gale. “Whilst….significantly distracted.”

Gale found himself unable to look away, those dark, sharp eyes glittering with firelight and something resembling a challenge. The sorcerer/wizard rivalry was well and truly alive between the two of them, but up until now Gale had thought it all in good jest.

Apparently not.

Karlach gave a whoop of laughter that made Gale jump, quickly looking down into his own cup. “Any wizard worth their salt has trained their concentration extensively,” he said, risking a look back up into Tav’s face. There was a smug, knowing smirk on the other man’s face.

“Oh have they, now.” That was from Shadowheart, obscured in the periphery of Gale’s vision.

“I’m sure they have,” Tav said, tipping back the last of their drink and standing. “Just whole little circles of them, training all together.”

That got Astarion, of all people, who usually sat to one side and pretended not to know the rest of them, to start snickering into his cup. That had set Karlach off again, not that it took much in the first place, and as the group dissolved into giggles Gale tried weakly to join in despite the feeling he’d been left hanging over some kind of cliff.

Tav had been waiting by his tent when Gale finally headed to bed, and looked up as he approached.

“Gale,” he said, standing. “I wanted to apologize.”

“Ah,” Gale said, eyeing him with some suspicion. “What for?”

“What I said, earlier.” Tav gestured towards the fire. “I didn’t mean to imply anything…untoward about your education.”

“Ah. Well.” Gale cleared his throat. “It was hardly a bastion of purity, but the actual lessons tended not to be quite that sort of….stimulating.”

A smile split Tav’s face. “Pity.” He took a step towards Gale, warmth radiating off of him. “I’m sure you found plenty of ways to…hone your concentration on your own time.”

Tav’s voice was a low murmur that seemed to crawl under Gale’s skin, drawing a flush to his cheeks despite himself. “Well,” he said, forcing himself to meet those glittering eyes. “That would be telling, wouldn’t it?”

A low chuckle from Tav. “I’ve always been more of a visual learner, myself.”

Things had happened very quickly after that. Tav and Gale had entered his tent together, Gale had asked what exactly Tav wanted to learn, and Tav said he wanted a demonstration of Gale’s concentration.

“Just you, me, and a Mage Hand,” he said with a smile. “And I want you to go until your concentration breaks.”

Gale had hesitated. For all his bragging, his focus was quite good, and had only improved during the battles they’d endured since their abduction. He wasn’t sure his physical fortitude was quite up to the task.

“A challenge, then,” he said, tipping his chin up. “See how your intuitive skill matches up?”

Tav grinned so widely Gale thought he might pull something. “But then how will I learn anything, professor?”

That had set the scene quite firmly for Gale. Tav wanted a show. And judging by the shiver that ran through Gale at the thought, he was more than willing to provide.

And anyway, he thought privately, if Tav truly tried to beat him in a test of wills, it’d be over in about five minutes, and that wouldn’t be fun for anyone.

Which was how he’d gotten here, sat up against his bedroll, clothes piled to one side. The Orb pulsed gently in the dark, and Gale was briefly thankful for its nullification earlier in the week. His control was good, but he wasn’t willing to test it quite that far.

“What spell shall we use for this…demonstration?” he asked.

“Silence feels like it might be useful.” Gale flushed in the dark at the silvery sound of Tav’s voice, somehow amplified in the low light.

“True enough.” He wove the spell together, creating a dome around the two of them.

And no dropping it early, came a whisper of Tav’s voice in his mind, briefly tapping into their tadpole connection. I’ll know.

Gale shivered, gooseflesh rippling across his skin, but any reply he might have made was cut off by the silvery Mage Hand Tav conjured crossing the tent towards him. He could feel the tingle of magic across his thighs and then up across his belly before the arcane appendage drifted down to rest against Gale’s cock. He was already half-hard from just the build-up to this moment, and he twitched against the pressure from the Hand’s palm pressing down against him. It wasn’t the warm, firm feel of a human hand, more like intense air pressure, extremely localized. The pressure dragged down his length and back up, lifting his cock so that the fingers could wrap around it.

Were any sound able to travel through the tent, Gale would have made some remark about Tav having practice with this particular maneuver himself. Because the Hand wasted no time finding its pace, dragging upwards and twisting slightly as it receded. The lack of skin meant no friction to worry about, just the glide of pressure across his skin that had his head dropping back against his makeshift headboard. He let his legs fall open slightly, affording more room, and was rewarded with a deft twist around the head of his cock that made him gasp.

He knew he gasped, he felt the rush of air in his lungs and felt his chest rise, but no sound carried through the room. He lifted his head, looking across the tent at Tav, whose smirk said he had definitely noticed as well.

Something about being watched so intently made Gale’s dick jump in Tav’s illusory hand, and he realized that the translucent nature of the conjuration meant that he could actually see it jump, could watch the way the skin moved with each stroke, and he found it hard to look away.

There was heat pooling in his belly already, between Tav’s eyes on him and actually watching himself being jacked off, the swollen red-purple of his cock between silvery fingers, and his head fell back again as he felt his climax approaching. He wondered what the Hand would look like, covered in his spend, and that almost sent him over the edge.

Almost, because the Hand stopped. Removed itself entirely - not dispelled, merely floating over him with infinite patience.

“Wh-“ When his protest made no sound, his expression twisted in frustration as he looked up at Tav. Who just smiled.

Until your concentration breaks. Tav’s exact words.

Gale suddenly understood the stakes of this much more clearly than he had previously.

When Gale’s chest stopped heaving and his orgasm had died down from its zenith, the Hand descended on him once more - but nowhere near his cock. It caressed a line from his sternum to his navel, tracing magic across Gale’s skin, and he shivered under its touch. But he wanted that touch back on his cock so badly, his hips jumped as the Hand ran back down towards his pelvis, but all he got in return was a long, slow slide across his lower belly that ended with the fingers splayed across his ribs.

A whine escaped him into the safety of the Silence spell, and his head fell back as he clenched his hands at his sides. Tav hadn’t said anything against him touching himself, but it seemed against the spirit of the thing. And besides, he found he didn’t want to. He wanted Tav - or at least Tav’s conjured Hand - to touch him, to do what he was silently demanding. Problem was, the Hand - or rather, Tav - had no interest in doing anything of the sort. The Hand roamed over Gale’s chest, his legs, even tangling in his hair briefly. But it ventured nowhere hear his aching cock, until Gale was panting with desperation just as much as he had been with arousal.

A sudden, sharp pinch to one of his nipples made his back arch, the sensation going straight between his legs, and he felt the Hand soothe over the abused skin before giving the same treatment to the other side. He knew he had shouted, but the Silence spell was holding. He had no room to be smug, however, as the Hand wrapped around his renewed hardness and he fell back against his bedroll in relief as it started moving around his length once more.

He crested much more quickly this time, trying not to show it in the hopes Tav would tip him over the edge accidentally. But the subterfuge was for naught, as the Hand whipped away from him the moment he felt the spring in his belly begin coiling. He cried out from the loss, the sound swallowed by the spell, and dug the heels of his palms into his eyes. He was going to go insane, he decided. The spell would drop when his mind broke in half because this gods-damned smug fucking sorcerer wouldn’t just let him come - The Hand wrapped around him again immediately and he arched into it, feeling the lightning spark of arousal jump across his nerves. But it did little more than grasp him for that one moment before releasing him again, going instead to caress his thighs and hips, making a wide circle around his throbbing, leaking cock.

“Please,” he whispered, knowing it wouldn’t be heard. “Please, I just - I need - “ He was babbling into nothing, saying nothing, just moving his mouth as some kind of release for the desperation building up in his chest. Tav was going to keep him like this forever. His concentration would never break, because he was an amazing fucking wizard, and instead he would just be in this tent until they all turned into mind-flayers because Tav was a sadistic torturer. Of his cock.

The Hand wrapped around his arm and tugged, pulling him up onto his knees, and then farther forward until he was on all fours in front of Tav. He was looking straight up at the sorcerer now, and something about that sent his arousal soaring, even as the Hand wrapped around his cock where it hung heavy under his belly. His head dropped to his forearms in relief - and then the Hand just sat there, unmoving. Gale groaned in frustration, looking up at Tav, who just smiled down at him and made a go on gesture with his hand.

Gale made a tentative thrust down into the circle of the Hand’s fingers, dropping his head back down onto his arms at the sensation of actually fucking something. Nowhere near the actual satisfaction of fucking another person, of course, and all the flesh and heat and intimacy that involved, but in terms of actual relief of the arousal plaguing him at this moment it was like water in the desert. He felt his breath coming in short, sharp pants, the motion of his hips rolling against the pressure of the Hand sending fire across his nerves - and then the Hand retreated. Released him entirely and came to float somewhere near his head.

Gale actually pounded a fist on the floor in frustration, glaring up at Tav. He had half a mind to grab the smug bastard and drag him down here with him, give him a taste of what he’d been putting Gale through, but no. That was too much like conceding. Too much like letting Tav win. So he dropped his head to his forearms, trying to catch his breath, and resisted the urge to drive his hips into the carpet under his knees. There was nothing under there but hard-packed dirt, and that wouldn’t end well, no matter how desperate he was.

The Hand wrapped back around him, almost uncomfortably tight, and he started fucking into it immediately. He was determined to reach his climax this time, concentration or no concentration, but the hand released almost as quickly as it had gripped him and when he threw his head up to plead with Tav he found himself staring up at the length of Tav’s cock.

Whatever he’d been going to shout into the Silence spell died on his lips as he watched Tav slowly, languidly stroke his own cock, trousers shoved halfway down his thighs to allow him to run his hands down the full length. As Gale sat dumbstruck, he leaned forward to tangle his fingers in Gale’s hair, dragging him forward.

The touch of an actual flesh-and-blood hand was almost enough to undo him on the spot, after so long of the whispery magic of the Mage Hand, but when Tav pulled Gale’s face towards the head of his cock Gale opened his mouth eagerly and took as much of the length as he could in one motion. It wasn’t all of it but it wasn’t a little of it, either, and he felt Tav’s fingers smooth through his hair as he thrust up into Gale’s mouth, just slightly.

It was a few more thrusts like that before Gale got indignant - Tav wasn’t going to use Gale to get off after the way he’d tormented him all night - but the moment he tried to pull back the Hand started stroking him again in earnest and he found himself unable to do little more than brace himself on Tav’s thighs as Tav fucked his mouth. The Hand was relentless this time, not letting up even as Gale felt his orgasm cresting over him, and Tav was equally as ruthless with Gale’s mouth. Gale’s eyes were starting to water as Tav shoved deeper and deeper into his throat, the Hand setting an inhuman pace across his cock, almost pure vibration at his point, and as Tav pulled sharply on his hair something in him broke and he wailed around Tav’s cock as he came in great, shuddering bursts across the Hand and his own thighs and belly.

It was, he realized with some distant horror, entirely audible. As were the soft grunts and sighs falling from Tav’s mouth as he continued fucking into Gale’s.

Gale was utterly spent, even supporting himself on Tav’s thighs a shaky prospect at this point, and he felt the Mage Hand come up to prop him up under his chest (spreading the sticky mess from his belly even further in the process). Tav fisted both hands in Gale’s hair, holding him firmly in place while he fucked his mouth, and Gale could do little more than try not to fall over in sheer exhaustion.

Finally Tav gave a shuddering gasp, holding Gale on his cock as he came in Gale’s mouth, the wizard unprepared and unable to move away as Tav’s seed escaped from the corners of his mouth to mingle with the mess on his chest.

He let Gale up then, his head falling back limply as his chest rose and fell in great heaving breaths as Gale tried to muster the will for even a simple prestidigitation. He’d managed a weak one by the time Tav sat up, staring down at Gale where he’d collapsed back against his bedroll.

“Well,” he said breathlessly, with that same fucking grin he’d worn all night. “That was a productive lesson, wouldn’t you agree?”

Gale gave no response, could give no response. He no longer had energy or willpower enough to do anything except lay back against this bedroll, totally naked, as Tav’s eyes raked him up and down, surveying his handiwork.

“Yes,” he said after a moment, tucking himself back inside his trousers. “Yes, I feel quite enlightened. Good night, Gale.”

He stood, the Mage Hand winking out as he did, and he left Gale alone in his tent. He strained his ears for any sign that the others had heard the inhuman noise that had escaped him when he finally came, and in the process realized that Tav had let him come. The spell had broken at that moment, not before, and Tav had driven him to that point on purpose. The smug bastard had still managed to outdo him. While maintaining his own Mage Hand, no less.

“Two can play at that game,” he muttered, making another pass at prestidigitation as he reached for his shirt, feeling the weakness of both his craft and his body. “Just…not right now, perhaps.”

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