This Is Where My Stuff Lives

The personal and professional (citation needed) page of Quinn (me)

Oct. 12th - blowjobs, kinktober

blowjobs, masturbation, semi-public sex, throat fucking

This was not a situation Kuwabara had seen coming.

He and Yusuke had been yelling at each other, because they didn’t know how to have a conversation at a normal volume or without insulting each other at least twice in the process. At some point Kuwabara had said, in as many words, “Blow me, Urameshi.”

Yusuke had paused, turned to face Kuwabara, and hesitated for all of a moment before crowding into Kuwabara’s space.

”Is that what you want?”

”Wh - what - “

”Is that. What you want?” Yusuke’s expression had been intense, his eyes boring into Kuwabara. “Do you want me to blow you?”

There was a challenge in the words, and Kuwabara had been so sure it was a bluff. “Yeah,” he’d scoffed. “Go ahead and blow me, Urameshi.”

Yusuke had shoved him backwards against the wall, dropped to his knees, and reached for the zipper of Kuwabara’s trousers.

“Woah, wait, what - “

”Don’t say shit you don’t mean,” Yusuke said flatly, looking up at Kuwabara through his eyelashes.

And here they were. Kuwabara staring down at Yusuke, flabbergasted. Yusuke staring up at Kuwabara, waiting patiently for a response.

Kuwabara set his jaw, meeting Yusuke’s gaze evenly. There was still a chance this was a bluff. Who knew how far Yusuke would go for the bit?

Kuwabara nodded once. A grin nearly split Yusuke’s face in two, and Kuwabara realized he’d made a terrible mistake.

Yusuke unzipped Kuwabara’s pants, worming a hand inside to wrap around his cock, and Kuwabara felt it jump against the palm of Yusuke’s hand. The entire situation had his blood up already, pulse thudding in his ears, and as Yusuke pulled his cock free of the fabric constraining it the cool air made him fight a full-body shiver.

This was probably not actually happening. He’d probably gotten into an actual fight with Yusuke, and Yusuke punched him in the head so hard he passed out and this was just a weird concussion fever dream. The fact that his weird concussion fever dream involved Yusuke’s hand on his dick was something he would have to examine later.

But then Yusuke wrapped his lips around the crown of Kuwabara’s cock, and Kuwabara realized it had to be real, because there was no way his brain could conjure up the feeling of all of his nerves firing at once.

Yusuke’s tongue swirled around the head of his cock as his fist slid back and forth along the shaft, coaxing it to full hardness. Kuwabara’s fingers flexed at his sides - the instinct was to bury them in Yusuke’s hair, but for one thing he wasn’t sure Yusuke would let him, and for another it was probably full of gel and grease and whatever else he used on it. So he just clenched and unclenched his fists, eyes squeezed shut.

As his cock swelled Yusuke slid his mouth further and further down, until his nose was pressed against the fabric of Kuwabara’s pants and Kuwabara was fighting the frankly embarrassing noises that wanted to come out of his mouth.

He felt a tug on his shirt. Opening one eye, he looked down at Yusuke. Yusuke was looking back up at him, mouth slid all the way down his cock, lips stretched wide and red around the base of it. His eyes were watering as his throat worked around the intrusion, and the little shit actually winked at him from where he was kneeling on the concrete.

A full-body shock went through Kuwabara and his hips jerked, ramming the tip of his cock further down Yusuke’s throat, and Yusuke screwed his eyes shut at the impact - but didn’t pull away. If anything he surged farther forward, bracing himself on Kuwabara’s thighs and starting to move in earnest.

The tip of Kuwabara’s cock hit the back of Yusuke’s throat with every movement, but this didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. In fact it seemed to be what he wanted, the occasional moan radiating up through Kuwabara like thunder. His pulse roared in his ears and his head fell back, one hand coming up to rest on Yusuke’s head out of pure instinct.

Yusuke made a pleased noise that made Kuwabara grit his teeth against a moan, and Yusuke reached up to lay his hand over Kuwabara’s, pushing his fingers into his hair. It was surprisingly soft, and not at all the sticky mess he’d expected.

Not yet, anyway. The thought and the accompanying mental image came unbidden, and his fingers tightened in Yusuke’s hair. One of Yusuke’s hands dropped from Kuwabara’s thigh to fight with his own zipper, and he was fisting his cock almost before he got it all the way out of his trousers.

The wet heat of Yusuke’s mouth, the near-constant little noises that vibrated along Kuwabara’s nerves, the feel of Yusuke’s hair between his fingers and the slick sound of Yusuke’s hand sliding along his own cock assaulted Kuwabara’s nerves until the spring in his belly threatened to snap, and he brought his other hand up as his hips started to jerk with every other bob of Yusuke’s head. Yusuke made what could only be described as an encouraging noise, hooking his fingers into Kuwabara’s pocket like he could pull him closer with that alone. He made no movement to back off or move away - he wanted Kuwabara to come in his mouth.

Kuwabara thrust against the back of Yusuke’s throat once, twice, and then he was falling over the edge, something between a grunt and a relieved sigh escaping him as he came straight down Yusuke’s throat.

Yusuke swallowed greedily, his hand never leaving his own cock, and when Kuwabara was spent he fell back on the concrete to stare up at him.

The sight Kuwabara found when he looked down sent another shock along his overwhelmed nerves - Yusuke bracing himself with one hand, the other wrapped around his cock, the flushed-purple head disappearing and reappearing between his fingers as he worked himself furiously. There were tear tracks down his face and his lips were bright red, and he was staring directly into Kuwabara’s eyes.

Kuwabara locked eyes with him, suddenly unsure of what he should do. Take his own cock in hand? Get down there and suck Yusuke off in return? Now that his blood was cooling he felt awkward and off-footed. But his eyes stayed locked with Yusuke’s, unable to tear his gaze away.

Yusuke took the decision out of his hands as he came with a strangled cry, spilling over his own fist and onto the concrete below. He stroked himself through it, eyes still locked with Kuwabara’s until sheer overstimulation forced them shut. A couple of smaller noises escaped him, and after a moment he simply fell backwards onto the ground.

“Urameshi?” Kuwabara moved towards him, stopping with a wince as he was reminded that his pants did in fact have a metal zipper. Once he was safely tucked away he moved around to Yusuke’s head, where his face was tipped back and his eyes were still closed. He repeated his name and still got no response. “Urameshi, you’re not allowed to be dead, I am not explaining this to people.”

That made Yusuke crack a grin, almost despite himself. “There are worse ways to go,” he said, not opening his eyes.

“You’re such a fucking weirdo.” He nudged Yusuke with one foot. “Come on, put that thing away, you look like that guy who got mugged while he was pissing in an alley.”

Yusuke snorted then, reaching down to tuck himself away before sitting up. He looked up at Kuwabara, that infuriatingly smug look back on his face. It felt…normal, which was weirding Kuwabara out more than anything. His best friend and/or biggest rival had just sucked his soul out through his cock and it was…normal.

“Well?” Yusuke’s voice startled him out of his thoughts.

“Well what?”

”Is that what you wanted?”

Kuwabara was silent for a long moment, during which Yusuke’s grin only grew. Eventually, the only response Kuwabara had was to dig the toe of his shoe into Yusuke’s side.

“Shut the hell up, Urameshi.”

”That’s not a no,” Yusuke said, shoving Kuwabara’s foot away as he stood.

“It’s a shut the hell up.”

”Which still isn’t a no.”

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