This Is Where My Stuff Lives

The personal and professional (citation needed) page of Quinn (me)

Oct. 13th, overstimulation, kinktober

overstimulation, fucking machine, face-fucking, throat bulge, vibrator, bondage, blindfold, multiple orgasms, poorly negotiated polyamory, implied pining

Keyleth got…overwhelmed, sometimes. The near-constant threat of death and having the fate of the world on your shoulders would do that to a person. And Vax tried to help, but the things Keyleth needed weren’t things he was willing to do. He was too worried about hurting her.

Percy…didn’t care quite as much. Or at least not in the same way.

So he’d found a room, one of the many in Castle Whitestone’s basement, and set it up for her. For them, really, because she needed him to make it work.

She was laid out on a table, one limb restrained at each corner. She wore a blindfold, and in one hand she held a small, round bell. Between her legs was a large machine, one of Percy’s inventions, with a hard, smooth phallus pointed directly between her legs. Already pressed between her legs, at the small nub in the center, was what looked like a small pebble with a wire leading back to the larger machine. Her head hung backwards off of the table, her hair loose and trailing to the floor.

“Are you ready?” Percy asked quietly from behind the machine. Keyleth nodded. Percy repeated the question.

“I’m ready,” Keyleth said quietly. She wasn’t nervous, exactly - this wasn’t the first time they’d done this - but the anticipation was climbing in her with each passing moment.

“You know how to stop it?”

She shook the hand with the bell in it, making it jingle brightly through the room.

“Good. Oh, and Keyleth - I want you to count them this time.”

A thrill went through Keyleth at the same time the small, round device started buzzing against her clit.

Her whole body slumped at the feeling, the vibrations traveling through her and making her toes curl, her feet strain against their bindings. It was a steady, gentle pulse that made the spring in her belly coil, little waves of lightning dance along her nerves, until the coil snapped and she fell over the edge, body clenching down against nothing.

“One,” she sighed, even as her muscles tightened against the unceasing vibrations. Her hips twitched as though she was trying to escape them, even though she wanted nothing of the sort. Her nerves just needed a break that they weren’t going to get.

Her torso curled in on itself, or tried to, the movement stymied by the restraints. Her hips bucked against nothing and she let out a keening noise of protest as she felt her body brought back to the edge.

“Two!” she cried out as her hips twitched and her thighs trembled. Her whole body was trembling, in fact, as the device continued on, heedless of her trying to twist herself away from it.

She stilled suddenly as she felt something press itself against her entrance. The machine. The tip of the phallus sat just inside her, only barely touching her, but her cunt clenched down around even the idea of having something to fill it.

The heavy thunk of a switch being flipped and the phallus slid inside her, using her own fluids to ease its way. She rolled her hips with it, the stretch and burn of her inner walls another layer of sensation added to the ongoing vibration that buzzed along her skin. It pulled itself back out, dragging along her nerves, and then back in. A slow, steady fuck that contrasted with the insistence of the other device.

She was making little noises now, wordless, formless sounds as she was dragged through another climax. It was one long cry now, of protest and pleasure all at once.

“Keyleth?” Percy’s voice cut through the haze of her mind.

“Oh - I - uh - three! It’s three.”

“Good girl.”

The praise sent an extra jolt across her nerves and she rolled her hips with the machine as best she could. This was the bare minimum of what she needed. Enough to distract her from the constant drone of her thoughts, the incessant, nagging worry.

But it wasn’t everything she needed, and Percy knew that. Which is why the machine sped up, just ever so slightly, enough to rock Keyleth’s body just a little with every thrust.

The vibrations eased off, ever so slightly, and Keyleth was both grateful for and resentful of the loss. Her arousal was still climbing, her breath coming in little pants and mewls as fire burned under the surface of her skin. But it was a slower climb now, dragged out as the machine dragged itself in and out of her body with lewd, wet noises. She whimpered as she approached her orgasm, desperate for the release as it built inside her, and she tried to rise to meet the machine’s thrusts as though she could coax it along faster. But the machine held steady and just pulled her over the edge, inch by inch, and it washed over her in waves as her back arched as much as it was able.

“Fff - mmph - four - “

The machine picked up speed, the flared base of the phallus slapping against her cunt with every thrust, rocking her back up onto the table. Her voice was one long keening cry, broken and stuttering with the machine’s steady, unyielding thrusts.

She’d lost track of herself. Where “Keyleth” had been was now a bundle of rapidly dissolving nerve endings, all firing at once as she screamed her way through another orgasm.


A hand wrapped gently around her chin, tilting her head backwards. Something firm and hot pressed against her lips. She opened her mouth readily, letting Percy slide his cock into her mouth until the tip touched the back of her throat. She thought she heard him sigh above her, but her blood was roaring in her ears and stars burst behind her eyes as the feel of Percy’s cock hot and heavy against her tongue brought her crashing back over the edge.

Six, she thought vaguely. She was sure Percy would forgive her not counting out loud this time. He was starting to slide his cock slowly in and out of her mouth, at odds with the rapid thrusts of the machine and the buzzing of the device. He had one hand underneath her chin and the other at the top of her head, holding her in place while he fucked her mouth, and she tipped her head back as far as she could to take more of him in.

This was part of the deal they had made. She got fucked out of her own mind, and Percy got to use her mouth. Vax knew - at least she was pretty sure he knew. She’d had to ask Percy to talk to him about it; she simply hadn’t been able to get the words out. She had to assume Vex did, as well, and was okay with it, or else Percy would have called the whole thing off.

Everything was too much, too loud, not the noise of the room but the noise underneath her skin, lightning and fire all at once, flowing through her and over her and around her. And she just rode it, floating just above the maelstrom and letting it carry her where it would.

Her body clenched and spasmed again and she screamed around Percy’s cock, making his hips stutter against her face. She couldn’t count out loud, which was just as well because she didn’t remember what numbers were. She didn’t remember numbers, or sight or sounds and even her own name was a stretch. She only knew feeling and taste and the ever-present burning scream of her own body.

Percy’s hand slid down from her chin to rest lightly over her throat, and from the slight pressure of his fingers she could feel the slide of his cock down her throat, distending the flesh there as her neck stretched backwards.

Another crest, another fall, plummeting into starfields as lights danced behind her eyes. Moaning around Percy’s cock and feeling his grip across her throat tighten. The wave rising, rising, carrying her with it and then crashing back out into nothingness. Fist clenched tight around the little bell, because if she dropped the bell it all ended, and she wasn’t ready for it to end.

Percy was saying something above her, but she couldn’t make it out. Just noise, noise, noise, fingers clenching in her hair and he pulled himself out almost too quickly, as Keyleth coughed and gasped with an unexpected breath.

The shock of air brought her crashing over again and her scream was unimpeded, and as her body twisted she realized that she was actually actively trying to get away from the sensations. It was finally too much.

Almost mournfully she dropped the bell, hearing it impact with the floor as it jingled and rolled away, and she grit her teeth against the too much too much too much as Percy’s quick footsteps traveled around her and the machine slowed to a stop, the device falling dormant right after.

The restraints pulled away, one by one, feeling massaged back into each extremity in gentle circles. The blindfold last, the room kept dim in deference to her eyes. Helped upright, wrapped in a blanket as little tremors continued to wrack her body, shivering with aftershocks. A glass of water pushed into her trembling hands and held there until he was sure she could hold it.

And Percy climbed up on the table next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and letting her lean into him. He rubbed little circles against her arm while she sipped her water, letting her come back to herself. He was just as put-together as he’d been when she came down here, no indication that he’d been watching his cock slide down her throat just minutes before, aside from maybe a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead.

-ve yo -

She lifted her head blearily at what she thought was Percy’s voice. “Hm?”

She wasn’t sure if there was a hesitation before his answer or if she was still not processing time correctly. “Nothing, dearest. Drink your water.”

Keyleth did, letting her weight slump against him a little more. There was a press of lips to her temple and she let her eyes drift shut, content to float for a little while longer before she had to return to the world.

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