This Is Where My Stuff Lives

The personal and professional (citation needed) page of Quinn (me)

Oct. 15th - double penetration, kinktober

double penetration in two holes, threesome, under-negotiated polyamory, pining, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, anal sex

”Excuse me?” Astarion stared down at Tav, almost certain he hadn’t heard what he just heard. She practically had to look straight up at him to meet his gaze, little elvish thing that she was, but meet his gaze she did, no matter how fiercely her cheeks blazed.

“You heard me, Astarion, don’t - do that.”

”I’m not sure I did,” Astarion countered. “My hearing must be going. Because there’s no way I can imagine you just asked me - “

Tav hissed at him, shoving him backwards into the little cubicle that counted as his part of the room. He stumbled, not expecting the blow, and she advanced in after him.

“If the answer is no then it’s no, and that’s fine, but don’t be a little shit about it.” Her voice was a harsh whisper. “Don’t - try to embarrass me about it.”

Astarion’s irritation faded, if only slightly. He was being a shit, and there wasn’t really any call for it.

“Darling, we could heat the room off your cheeks alone, I’d say you’re already somewhat embarrassed.” The tease was gentle, and he sat on the edge of his bed so they were closer to eye level. “I won’t make you ask again, but at least explain it to me.”

Tav twisted the hem of her shirt between her fingers, staring down at them instead of at him. “We could die tomorrow,” she told her hands. “We could die tonight. I don’t want…” She sighed, finally meeting his eyes again. “It’s stupid and it’s base but it’s something I want and I’m tired of being a coward about it.”

Astarion nodded. “I can understand that. Respect it, even.” His expression turned slightly more shrewd. “But why me? Certainly Halsin - “

”Astarion. You’ve seen Halsin.” She gestured down at her petite frame. “I’d like to survive the experience.”

That made Astarion laugh, throwing his head back a little. “An excellent point,” he said. “But not one that answers my question.”

She hesitated, then stepped towards him with her hand out. After a moment of confusion, then another of his own hesitation, he laid his hand in hers. His fingers were so much longer than hers that they brushed against her wrist, and she folded her fingers over his, just slightly. Not enough to grip, just enough to hold.

There was a time when this was all he had wanted. Her touch, gentle on his skin. Her words, quiet in his ears. That time had passed. Mostly.

“I was afraid you’d think I was asking because of…of the things you’ve talked about.” She glanced up at his face, confirming he knew what she meant. He didn’t know what his face was doing, but it must not have been good because her eyes dropped back down immediately. “That’s not why,” she said firmly. “It’s because…it’s because I trust you. I trust you not to…hurt me, or take advantage.”

Something about that struck Astarion somewhere in the middle of his chest, made it tighten around a heart that no longer beat. Half a dozen jibes came to mind, most of them various levels of self-deprecating, but they all died in his throat.

“I…appreciate that,” he said quietly. Tav squeezed his fingers gently. “Wyll?”

”I wouldn’t have asked without talking to him first,” she said.

“I thought not.” He squeezed her fingers back before withdrawing his hand from hers. “I will do this thing for you,” he said, putting on mock pomposity mostly because he knew it would make her smile. “But only because you’re adorable when you blush.”

Her blush crawled further up her ears, and she smacked him in the shoulder as he laughed.

They secured a separate room a few nights later, rather than trying to arrange for their existing room to be empty for more than five seconds at a time. When Astarion entered the room it was only Wyll there, leaning against the bedpost with his arms crossed. He looked up at the sound of the door, that single demonic eye boring into him.

“Astarion.” There was no hint of malice in his voice, but Astarion still stayed against the wall next to the door, mimicking his pose.



Astarion tipped his head in the direction of their usual room. “Karlach,”

That got a small snort of a laugh out of Wyll, and Astarion eased down somewhat. It was probably anxiety he was reading in the air, not anger or possessiveness. It was likely Wyll had never done anything like this, either. It hadn’t even been common for Astarion, in all his years.

He heard his name again, more softly, and looked up to meet Wyll’s gaze.

”She trusts you.”

Astarion nodded. “She told me.”

”…don’t ruin that.” A multitude of implications and warnings packed into three words.

”…I don’t intend to.”

Tav slipped through the door, letting it click shut behind her as she rested her weight against it.

“I love Karlach deeply,” she said, staring at the ceiling. “But she hasn’t spoken to anyone for ten years and is determined to make up for lost time.”

Wyll chuckled and she dropped her gaze down to him, smiling. Even in profile it was warm and lovely, full of unconditional trust and love built in scant weeks.

Astarion cleared his throat and Tav jumped.

“Gods,” she breathed, pressing a hand to her chest. “Wear a bell or something.”

He grinned, all teeth and slightly feral. She just smiled back, some of the trust she reflected at Wyll turned onto him. He managed to hold the grin until she turned away.

Wyll held his hands out to Tav and she went to join him, letting him slide the knuckles of one hand across her cheek. She turned into his hand and something in Astarion burned to see it.

He launched himself off the wall, stepping behind Tav and pulling the loose ribbon out of the waist of her nightgown. A little noise of surprise escaped her, but she made no move to stop him. “Here.” Her hair was long, hanging down her back in wispy waves, and he used the ribbon to collect it into a loose bundle. A neat bow at the nape of her neck kept it from floating around her shoulders, and he laid his hands on her upper arms.

“Trust me.” It was whispered against her cheek, and he felt the shiver that ran through her. Wyll ran his hands up her arms, his fingertips resting just below Astarion’s.

“Is this it?” Tav’s voice was almost a squeak. “This is - this is what we’re doing?”

”Is this what you wanted to do?” Wyll’s hands moved from her arms to her waist, warm and steady.

“I mean - yes - but - “

”Nothing happens unless you want it,” Wyll said firmly. “We can call this whole thing off right now, no hard feelings.”

Tav met Wyll’s eye. “Is that what you want?”

”No.” The answer came surprisingly quickly. “I want to see you happy and fulfilled - stop that.” Astarion had given a snort of a laugh. Tav giggled, however, which broke the tension between the three of them and made Tav rest her head against Wyll’s collarbone.

“I want this,” she murmured. “Truly.”

Wyll pressed his lips against her temple. “Then I do too.”

The kiss trailed down her jawline towards her neck, and Astarion crowded against her back. Without the ribbon her nightgown hung very loosely on her body and he slipped his hand under the fabric over her sternum, letting his hand rest there for a moment, giving her a chance to stop him.

She did not stop him. In fact her head fell back against his chest, giving Wyll access to her throat and letting Astarion slip his fingers down over the swell of her breast to ghost over one nipple.

He couldn’t see her face but he could see Wyll’s, and watched his eye flutter open at the soft sigh Tav gave at the roll of Astarion’s fingers. Astarion rested his cheek against the top of Tav’s head, feeling her twitch under his fingers and watching Wyll react to every noise she made. He was pressed so closely against her back that when Wyll went to slide his hands under the curve of her ass his fingers brushed against the front of Astarion’s trousers, and they flexed away from what they found there.

Wyll met Astarion’s eyes up the line of Tav’s throat, and Astarion just smiled languidly. “I’m not made of stone, darling.”

“Part of you begs to differ,” Wyll shot back, and Astarion barked a laugh towards the ceiling.

Wyll slid his hands under Tav’s ass, and Astarion wasn’t sure whether or not the firm brush of his knuckles against Astarion’s growing erection was intentional. He let his hand more fully envelop Tav’s breast, squeezing gently and letting his palm slide across her nipple. She whimpered, lifting one hand over her head to cup the back of Astarion’s neck and sliding the other over Wyll’s shoulder. Astarion pressed a kiss to the tip of one long ear and smiled when it twitched away from him. Catching it gently between his teeth, he worried at the sensitive skin, listening to her little noises increase in pitch and frequency as he did.

Wyll gave a fond chuckle, removing one hand from Tav’s ass to slide his fingers all the way up the outside of her other ear, Tav’s mouth falling open and nails digging into the back of Astarion’s neck.

“We’re not at camp, my love,” Wyll murmured against her throat. “These walls are more than fabric. Let me hear you.”

The next noise that escaped her was a keening sort of sound that went straight to Astarion’s cock. His teeth came down around Tav’s ear a little harder than he intended, and he quickly withdrew to press his lips against the spot in apology, but Tav’s back arched as all the breath left her in a gasp.

Wyll’s fingers curled around her leg more tightly as she pressed herself fully against him, and he staggered backwards with her weight.

“I think we might all be wearing far too many clothes,” Astarion said, his voice low and rough. He had been teasing Wyll but that made it no less true; he was not immune to Tav’s ass against his cock - or the way Wyll kept looking at him past Tav’s head.

“I think you might be right,” Wyll said now, and withdrew enough to pull Tav’s nightgown up around her waist. She let him lift it over her head and away, and Astarion took advantage of the moment to slide the belt from his trousers. It was relief of a sort, made moot almost immediately as Wyll guided Tav back into his arms as he reached for the hem of his own shirt.

Astarion slid his hands up over her hips, letting his hands rest on her ribcage as he lowered his lips to her ear.

“Look at that,” he murmured. The flutter of Tav’s pulse told him she was indeed looking. “All for you.”

“Always,” Wyll murmured. He didn’t pull Tav away from Astarion, but rather moved to join them. He took Tav’s face in his hands and pulled her into a kiss, Tav’s hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. Astarion, not content to be used as a wall to make out against, let his hands creep up over Tav’s breasts and by extension to run his knuckles across Wyll’s chest. They skipped and bumped over his scars, but Wyll hummed into the kiss nonetheless. Tav sighed against his mouth, breaking the kiss to tip her head back against Astarion’s chest.

“I think you’re wearing too many clothes,” she said. Wyll hadn’t let her get too far away, pressing his lips against the dip of her throat, and as Astarion watched her eyes flutter shut he decided she was right. “On the bed,” he said, maneuvering the two of them towards the mattress. “Or you’re liable to fall over.”

A chuckle from Wyll as he laid back on the mattress, pulling Tav with him. She straddled his lap, her still in her smalls and him still wearing trousers, and stretched herself out along his body to kiss him. She took her hands into his own and tangled their fingers together, pulling them over his head and pinning him in place as the kiss deepened.

Astarion legitimately got lost in watching them for a second, the long line of their bodies together and the way Wyll’s hips shifted under hers. It was…novel, watching two people who genuinely loved each other engage in what was meant to be a loving act.

He shook his head to clear it, pulling his shirt loose of the waist of his trousers. It landed somewhere at his feet, the trousers following shortly after, and after a moment of hesitation his smalls. He stepped out of the circle of fabric and climbed onto the bed beside the pair. They broke their kiss as the mattress dipped under his weight, both of them looking over at him.

“Don’t stop on my account,” he said with a languid smile. It became a grin as both of their eyes traveled along his body in unison.

“Clothes,” Wyll muttered, shifting Tav off of him so he could stand and shed his own trousers. Tav reached out towards Astarion, laying one hand on his cheek.

Gods damn him, he waited until her breath was ghosting across his cheek before he spoke. “You don’t have to do that.”

She didn’t move. “I want to.” Her tongue darted out, wetting her lips. “If you don’t want me to, I won’t. But I do want to.”

Astarion flicked his eyes up, dragging his gaze away from her lips. She met his gaze evenly and he wondered briefly how she was so much more confident half-naked than she had been fully dressed.

Then his eyes flicked over her shoulder, where Wyll was standing in his smallclothes, watching them. He nodded, just once, but clearly affirmative.

Astarion slid one hand along her jawline, pulling her across the millimeters that divided them to catch her lips with his own.

It was warm and sweet, her hand on his cheek falling to his shoulder, bracing herself as the kiss deepened. He massaged his thumb against the pulse point in her throat, making her hum against his lips with pleasure, and he caught her bottom lip to worry at it with his teeth.

The mattress shifted again as Wyll rejoined them, running a hand up and over Tav’s ribs, making her break the kiss to wriggle away from him.

”Sorry,” Wyll said with a grin. “Forgot.”

“Oh, we’re ticklish, are we?” Astarion grinned up at Tav, who dipped down to quickly nip at his lip in admonishment.

“Try it,” she all but growled, and Astarion tried to pretend that it didn’t go straight to his dick.

“You are now the one wearing the most clothes,” Wyll pointed out, and Tav rolled onto her back to face him.

“I guess we’d better do something about that, hm?”

Wyll’s fingers splayed over her lower abdomen, slipping downwards and past the demarcation line of fabric and flesh. Her hips rolled, her legs falling open as Wyll’s hand distended the front of her smalls, his fingers crooked against her under the fabric. Small, sweet noises started falling from her lips as those fingers worked, and he pressed himself against her side as her breaths started coming in small, sharp pants.

Astarion was transfixed, watching the blush that crawled down her neck and chest, the rise and fall of her ribs, the restless little rolls of her hips. A cry fell from her mouth and his cock pulsed, shaking him out of his reverie.

Pressing himself along her other side, he caught one breast in his hand and the other between his teeth, making her back arch against the bed.

“Let me hear you, darling.” Wyll’s earlier sentiment, echoed against the soft skin of her breast, and she cried out from between the two of them as her hips jerked against Wyll’s hand and her chest heaved under Astarion’s.

Wyll moved faster than Astarion had seen him, slipping the now-dampened fabric away from Tav’s body and flinging it across the room to some unknown corner. He crouched between her knees and pressed his face to her center. One of her hands hooked around the base of one of Wyll’s horns, the other coming up to cradle Astarion’s jaw as he pressed his teeth gently against the nipple in his mouth.

She made a muffled noise of surprise that rose immediately into a cry of pleasure as Wyll presumably found what he was looking for. Astarion laved his tongue against her nipple, rolling the other between his fingers, and the fingers against his cheek slid upwards to tangle in his hair and drag him up towards her mouth.

He sat up enough to kiss her, cupping the back of her head as she gasped and moaned against his mouth. Her fingers flexed against his scalp and pulled at his hair, but all of it rolled into the beauty of her coming apart under his hands and Wyll’s mouth.

“That’s it,” he found himself murmuring. “That’s it. Let go, darling, give us another.”

Her wail as she fell over the edge burned under his skin, and he buried his face in her shoulder just to be closer to her than he already was. His hips moved in little rocking motions against her, just for the relief. He’d thought it would be enough to have Tav under his hands, but the two of them together was like to undo him.

Broad fingers brushed his cheek and he looked up as Wyll cupped his hand under Tav’s head to encourage her upwards.

“If we don’t do this I won’t last long enough to.” His voice was rough, and Astarion pretended that didn’t go straight to his dick, either.

Wyll stretched out on his back, Tav following to straddle him. She looked over her shoulder at Astarion at the same time Wyll leaned around to look past her arm. The weight of both of their eyes on him was almost too much to bear, because they were looking at him. Not his body, not what they wanted from him. At him. They were waiting for him. Their friend. The person they trusted.

He crawled towards them, straddling Wyll’s legs to pull Tav back against his chest. His hands ran up her body, cupping her breasts briefly before running back down.

“Is this something you’ve done before?” The question was murmured into her hair.

“That’s the whole point of - “

”Not this.” He brought his hands around to cup her ass, pressing the pads of his fingers into the flesh there. She yelped a little, arching away from him. “This.

”O-oh,” She looked down at Wyll. “I…yes. It’s been a while.”

“Alright.” He looked over his shoulder, trying to decide if he could reach the vial of oil without leaving her warmth. The answer was unfortunately no, and he disentangled himself with no small amount of grumbling.

There was murmuring behind him as he collected it, and he forced himself not to listen in. Some things were still not for him.

When he rejoined them Tav was rocking herself along Wyll’s length, the warlock’s head falling back against the mattress.

“I thought we wanted him to last,” Astarion said, settling back over Wyll’s legs.

“We thought it’d be easier,” Tav said, pausing in her motions and making Wyll give a small noise of protest. “If he was…inside me, first.”

“It might,” Astarion agreed. “Go on, then.”

Impossbly, Tav flushed deeper. Turning back to face Wyll, she lifted herself up on her knees, reaching between them to take Wyll in her hand. She lined him up against her entrance, and Astarion watched Wyll’s cock disappear inch by inch inside of Tav until she was seated fully against his hips. They were both panting, Wyll’s hands clenching her thighs tightly.

Astarion laid a gentle hand between Tav’s shoulderblades, easing her forward until she was stretched out along Wyll’s torso. With a murmured warning Astarion dripped some of the oil down the cleft of her ass, watching her break out in gooseflesh as he massaged it into her skin and around her entrance.

Another warning, an encouragement to relax, and he slipped one finger into her. She clenched down and he rubbed circles on her lower back, watching Wyll’s grip tighten and his eyes drift shut. He wondered with some amusement if he would last, the way Tav was clenching around them both as he continued to spread her open. Wyll’s hands eventually came up to rub along her back - carefully avoiding her sides this time - and by the time Astarion had two fingers in her to the hilt she was fighting not to rock her body on Wyll’s cock and they were both breathing in heavy gasps.

“Please,” Tav whispered, and Astarion’s cock twitched at the near-desperation in her voice.

Astarion dripped some of the oil along his cock, then the last of it over her ass again. His hand sliding over his length was a blessed relief, but the pressure of it against Tav’s entrance was electric. He wasn’t even inside her yet. Just the knowledge that he was about to be. That Wyll was under her, waiting for him just as desperately as she was.

What the fuck had they done to him?

He eased forward, one hand on the small of Tav’s back. She sucked in a deep breath and he felt her try to relax around him, to allow him in. He was fighting the urge to just bury himself in her - he wasn’t going to hurt her for his pleasure.

She was impossibly tight on her own, her body clinging to him as he moved, but Wyll’s cock pressed against his through her and he had to stop halfway through to collect himself. Tav was curled against Wyll’s chest and he was running his hands up and down her arms, but both of them were making little gasps and whimpers every time he moved, and he gritted his teeth against his own sounds.

After an eternity he was buried inside of her, and her back pressed against his chest with every heaving breath as all three of them tried to adjust to the sensation.

Astarion pulled back, barely at all, shifting himself inside of her. When he did she sucked in a breath, nails digging into Wyll’s shoulders, and the air around them popped.

Tav had never mastered her tadpole. Even after all this time she crackled with psionic energy or accidentally read minds, but usually only when she was panicked or angry. The tadpole’s powers just exploded out of her.

Also, apparently, when every nerve in her body was on fire, and Astarion knew that was what she was feeling because the tadpole linked to himself and Wyll at once, sharing sensations between all three of them. He could feel Wyll’s cock against his, his cock against Wyll’s, both of them filling and stretching Tav until she thought there was no more room for her between them. Wyll’s hips bucked and Astarion felt it, felt him slide against Wyll and Wyll against him and both of them inside of Tav.

“Shit,” he breathed, and Tav whimpered in agreement.

Astarion pulled out slowly, feeling it from three angles at once, and just as slowly thrust back in. Wyll’s hands settled against Tav’s hips and he rocked up into her, all of them groaning at the sensation.

They fell into a rhythm, rocking Tav between them as they tried not to fall into their own pleasure too quickly. Their nerves were assaulted from all angles, the feeling of three bodies stuffed into one mind, and Astarion wasn’t sure he could take it. Every motion was amplified, every gasp echoed, and he fell forward to brace himself on the mattress when he couldn’t hold himself up any longer. There was solid heat along his back and underneath him, multiplied and amplified, and his eyes flew open at the feeling of Wyll’s knuckles along his cheek, his own warmth across his fingers.

He locked his gaze onto Wyll, who didn’t look away. Shakily, he lifted one hand and returned the gesture, watching his eyes drift shut. His own knuckles against his face, a blossom of warmth in his chest.

Astarion drew back and slammed into Tav. Their voices mingled in the air, multiple cries of pleasure at once. Wyll wrapped his hands around Tav’s waist, thrusting up into her so that the sound of their skin meeting echoed through the room, quickly swallowed by their cries. The room was a cacophony of wails and moans and screams as the three of them climbed together, their arousal tied up in each other.

Astarion felt the spring in his belly threatening to snap, and he shifted one hand across the mattress to wrap around Wyll’s horn. Wyll removed a hand from Tav’s waist to reach up and tangle in Astarion’s hair. Tav dug nails into Will’s chest and Astarion pressed his forehead into the middle of Tav’s back as he fell over three edges at once.

He spent himself into Tav’s ass and cunt and clenched down around two cocks at once and stars burst behind his eyes and fire burned under his skin and all he could do was cling to Wyll and Tav until it was over. His throat was raw and he realized distantly that he’d screamed, raw and ragged against the skin of Tav’s back.

It was a long moment before he remembered that he was a person, and even longer before he remembered which person he was. Wyll and Tav were both limp underneath under him, chests heaving, and as the only person without the tedious need to breathe he gingerly slipped out of Tav and collapsed to one side. After a moment Tav fell sideways off of Wyll, partially onto Astarion, and with some difficulty he shifted to make room for her. The connection was gone, as apparently even the tadpole had an upper limit, and it was only his own skin he felt as Tav curled against his side. Wyll curled against her back, and they reached out in tandem to draw Astarion closer.

He was too tired to resist, or argue, or do anything except roll what felt like four thousand pounds of flesh over to flop an arm across the both of them. Tav rested her forehead against his collarbone and he settled his chin on the top of her head, curling his fingers around Wyll’s upper arm.

There would probably be an uncomfortable conversation at some point. Or who knew, maybe it would be a comfortable one. Maybe things would be inexplicably easier after this. It was unlikely, but if he’d learned anything it was that “impossible” was a dangerous label to apply to anything. The universe tended to take it as a challenge.

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